Tuesday, April 21, 2009

First time blogger...

So I love to look at blogs (blog stalk- I am a loser I know!) and so I finally decided to create one- With the help of my good friend Heather! (Thanks Heather!) I am sure that Raul will make fun of me but oh well! I hope that you are all doing well! Love ya!


  1. Hey Brooke! So fun that you are bloggers now and your blog is super cute! We're very excited your getting married, sorry we can't make it :( but we're excited to see some pictures! I'll email you more info. Hope all is well!

  2. Yay! You decided to join the blogger world! If you thought myspace was a waste of time just wait! haha. I am excited. Be sure to post about your wedding details,etc. I know lots of people that start blogs before they're married...it's funner that way!

  3. Brooke! I like to "blogstalk" too! I'm SO glad you made a blog! We really appreciate you guys...
